Mental Health and Wellbeing Advocate Training

Thank you so much for taking part in our Mental Health and Wellbeing Advocate Training. Below are some resources, notes and support that can help you in your role.

The ALGEE Model

We use this as a simple five step approach for helping someone with their mental health. Check out this video explainer.

Tools and techniques

There are many techniques and tools which can help yours and others mental health. Here is a selection explained from the library of Space to Breathe on Youtube. There are more videos here.

Directory of Mental Health organisations

We’re grateful to Fatima for creating this list of Mental Health and Wellbeing organisations.


We’re very grateful to Katrina who’s shared a number of articles she had published in her Parish Magazine. We suggest you use these as templates and to give you ideas of what you might write for your church community.


We’re grateful to Catherine Duff for this sermon template.

Awareness of Mental health issues and conditions

We are grateful to our friends at Re:Think Mental Illness for these brilliant explainers of different mental health conditions and challenges. Use this as a guide to help you signpost people to further help.

Useful contacts

We are grateful to MIND for this excellent list of useful contacts. Why don’t you note down the ones you find helpful and then make a list of useful contacts in your area. Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone.

If in doubt we also strongly recommend the Samaritans who provide a wonderful service and are always ready and willing to talk to people. If you’re in any doubt, point people here. The number is 116123 and the website is here.