Yoga, an ancient practice originating in India, has grown into a globally recognised system for enhancing both physical and mental wellbeing. At its core, yoga is a comprehensive mind-body practice that harmonises physical postures, breath control, meditation, and ethical principles. This holistic approach makes yoga particularly effective for self-regulation and managing stress, mood management, reducing anxiety, fostering resilience, and promoting overall wellbeing.


We offer two different classes:

Rest Well classes aim to support you to rediscover your own ability to deeply rest and relax; to sleep better, breathe better and feel better. We practice both Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra in these classes.

Be Well classes are all about connecting to your own sense of wellbeing. You will be guided through active and accessible yoga postures and practices which not only feel good in the body, but also help us to breathe more freely and calm the mind.

Before enrolling on any classes individuals will need to attend a Yoga 1-1 appointment with Fran. We understand that starting something new can be a daunting experience, and offer these sessions as a support to help you feel more comfortable and confident to join your first class. Yoga 1-1’s are an hour long and give the chance to view the yoga space, try out some practices and also share health information and goals privately.


Yoga at Space To Breathe classes are available at a subsidised cost of £5 per class

Please note that if you are not able to comfortably afford this please get in touch as we are trialling a further discount which you may be eligible for.

Yoga 1:1 - £15, which is deducted from the cost of a full block of classes if you decide to book following your 1-1 appointment.

Be Well – block of 7 classes £35

Rest Well – block of 7 classes £35


To register interest, please complete the form below.


What is Restorative Yoga?

Restorative Yoga is a wonderful branch of yoga where you don’t need to be bendy to participate! Please watch the video below for details.

Restorative yoga is practiced lying down using props such as bolsters, cushions and blankets to support the body in positions of comfort and ease. You do not need to be bendy or physically active to participate, only able to get up and down from the floor and be comfortable covering your eyes. It does not require any movement; in fact the aim is to become so comfortable that you have no desire or need to move. Once the body is supported in this way, you will  students are able to experience the healing effects of this gentle yet powerful practice. 

As a result, you may find yourself able to sleep better at night and experience less frequent physical and emotional stress reactions in your everyday life. You might also find you have less aches and pains and experience a background calmness & connectedness in life & in your interactions with others.

What happens in a Rest well class?

Arriving practice: We start off with a gentle grounding sequence which acts as a ‘check in’ or a chance to settle and take stock. You will be invited to pay attention to what is going on for you in the present moment and be guided through some gentle movement and breathing.

Restorative Set Up: We will build two different set up’s per class, both which use props such as bolsters and blankets to support the body in positions of comfort and ease. The teacher will demonstrate and then support you to build your own individual set up using the props provided in class.

Guided Relaxation: Classes will either include a guided relaxation known as Yoga Nidra (or yogic sleep) or a guided breathing practice. Yoga Nidra is a practice of placing our attention in a particular manner and can involve concentrating on different places in the body, on visualisations, words or phrases without too much effort so that the whole system can rest. This part of class will also include periods of

Deep Rest Practice: Each class will also include a practice of non-guided relaxation, to allow for uninterrupted deep rest in a safe and peaceful environment.

Closing: Your teacher will bring the practice to a close by guiding participants out of the final Restorative set up before ending the class.

What Should I wear?

Please wear whatever you feel most comfortable in e.g. tracksuit bottoms, baggy t-shirts or cosy jumpers. It’s a good idea to bring multiple layers and thick socks.

Your teacher

Fran Saint is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with a passion for making yoga classes more accessible to people struggling with their mental health. She has experienced the transformative healing that engaging with life through yoga can bring and draws on her personal experience of anxiety disorders in her teaching. She is a certified Relax & Renew® yoga teacher having trained with Judith Hansen Lasater, and has completed foundational training in Trauma Informed Yoga developed by David Emerson and Bessel Van de Kolk. She believes in the empowering nature of individualised yoga practice, and draws influence and inspiration from the teachings of TKV Desikachar and the world of Polyvagal Theory.  Fran feels incredibly privileged and honoured to create safe spaces in her classes in which people can just 'be', taking steps at their own pace to regulate their nervous system and care for their whole being.