“Creating a Culture of Wellbeing in Your Workplace” is a practical seminar for Business Leaders who want to establish a culture of healthy wellbeing in their place of work.
Wellbeing is a high profile issue at the moment but can we truly foster wellbeing in our workplaces without first addressing the issues of working culture which affect teams & businesses? When workplace culture places pressures on working practice, holiday, rest or even team behaviours it becomes vital to explore a health working culture in order to enable person wellbeing.
Wellbeing has begun to be linked in a more deliberate way with productivity and bottom-lines. Whether its keeping staff rather than the cost of rehiring (which costs the UK economy £42Billion/year - PWC 2008) or the impact of staff time-off due to stress, anxiety or mental health issues (£420million/year cost to the Sheffield economy - Public Health 2019.)
Space to Breathe have experience of influencing and enabling positive cultures in a variety of different settings from workplaces to communities to festivals and to the creative arts. Founder Andy Freeman has been central to this work and brings a unique understanding and view on how cultures develop and how they can be both positive and destructive.
This innovative and practical seminar which will:
Detail foundations of good practice.
Present contemporary thinking on working cultures and effective teams.
Provide practical actions you can take to enable healthy places to work.
Each seminar place also includes a free 1 hour consultation with one of the Space to Breathe team at a time convenient to you.
This seminar is perfect if you’re beginning to work out issues of wellbeing in your workplace or if you’re focused on individual solutions and now want to develop wellbeing programmes which change the collective shape of your teams.
Each seminar place is £200/person.
Places are limited and offered on a first come first served basis.