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Lifting Lockdown Stress

There’s a lot being written on the impact of Coronavirus in terms of people’s stress and anxiety levels. Already pre-crisis, Mind found in 2018 that 74% of us feel overwhelmed by stress at some point each year.

This free webinar looks at:

  • what is stress and how does it affect us

  • what are the ways we might notice stress in our lives?

  • ideas and creative approaches to coping with stress

  • discussion and opinion about stress and lockdown

  • the particular aspects of how stress can affect people working for themselves

The webinar will include input, discussion in breakout rooms, creative ideas we can try and resources to take away.

It is led by Andy Freeman who founded Space to Breathe 3 years ago and has a particular commitment to supporting the wellbeing of people working for themselves.

The webinar is hosted by Union Street together with Space to Breathe

Get your tickets for the event via the button below.