We are all meant to shine
Take a moment to allow yourself permission to shine today.
The world is best served by you being yourself.
Spend a moment reflecting with hope and expectation on the year ahead.
Use this as a phase to remind yourself
Self acceptance is key to growing in your wellbeing. You are here and although life is hard, its ok to accept you are here and that you can face this.
Find one thing that helps your wellbeing and repeat it.
When you find something that really helps you. Repeat it until it becomes a healthy routine. It’ll really help.
Take time to explore
Be encouraged…
You’re not asked always to master the difficulties and challenges that life throws at you. Instead it’s being able to adapt and change that helps us recover.
Take five minutes to create some space
Try a breathing exercise or take some time to think how you’re doing.
Spend time reflecting on your inward music, to the inner voices of your thoughts and feelings
What light shines within me? How can I give it time to shine on others?
Take some time
Be silent and still …
Taking Stock
gives us the energy and understanding to live life. Take 5 minutes to take stock of things today.
take a moment to celebrate friends
spend some time realising those people who enable us to be real.
What are your dreams and hopes for the future?
Ponder them for a while, allow them to breath and have live in your imagination.
What is one habit you could adopt daily?
Have a brainstorm and find one thing to try
Take stock
Take one minute to reflect on yourself. honestly and vulnerably. You are worthy of love and belonging.
Spend one minute
considering your potential. How might you flourish?
Take a moment
Choose to focus on the positive things going on in your life.
What are you passionate about?
Give yourself a little time to dream some dreams …
Be kind
Take a moment to think about one person you can be kind to today, then act on that thought.
Take one minute
Rest yourself, reset your thoughts, recharge your wellbeing.
Take one minute
Stop what you’re doing and be still
Take one minute to be kind to yourself
What things would recharge your batteries right now?
Take one minute
Give yourself time to think, what’s going on in your mind today? Give it space and listen to your thoughts.
Take one minute
to expose yourself to a new idea or new thought. Let it loose and see it what happens.
Take a moment
Look inside at the wonders that are within you. Appreciate the unseen treasure’s of your own life and be grateful.
Take a minute…
Relish what’s around you and realise any meaning the things you see can give you.
Take a moment
Look around you and appreciate things as though it’s the first or last time you’ve seen them.
Take a moment
Dream for a while. Let your imagination have freedom and think about what you’d really like to do or what hopes you have. Ask ‘what if?’ or ‘why not?’
Take a moment to be honest with yourself
Practice accepting yourself as you are. You are enough. It’s ok. When we learn to do this, if we want to, we can change the things we need to in order to make us healthier.
Take a moment to be still
Consider your thoughts and feelings and all this is within you. Can this knowledge help you face the challenges and opportunities ahead of you today?
Take a moment
Try to be aware of all the unconscious ideas and thoughts that are travelling around you and influencing you at the moment. Take a few moments to listen too yourself.
Take a moment
Remind yourself that whatever has happened, you are enough. Take confidence from this.
Take a moment
Consider this quote. How real are you being at the moment? How does that connect with your own confidence with others?
Take a moment
Spend some time considering honesty how you feel today.
Take a moment
Consider your safe spaces in life. How can you spend more time in those places?
Take a moment
Allow yourself a few moments of rest. Stop.
It’s ok not to be ok
Take that in. Accepting you need some help is a brave thing.
Take a moment and reflect on the seasons change
As change comes to nature, what odd, uneven changes are taking place in your life? How might the lessons of Autumn help you?
Take a moment
Reflect on a source of light around you. How does it both define and defy darkness. What light can defy and define the darkness in your life?
Take a moment
Try and create a meaningful moment of space where you can find peace in your day.
Take a moment …
Sometimes we can stress about stress - it can become a weight to try and think about tackling stress. So for a moment, let that go, accept that stress is normal and everyone feels it … be kind to yourself.
Take a moment
Today is a wonderful opportunity. What are you going to do with today?
Take a moment
Sleep is an incredible gift. How can you cherish it and look after it well? Take a moment to think about your sleep patterns.
Take a moment
Put down the things that are worrying you for just a while and rest.
Take some time to learn a new idea today.
Be curious about something you’ve never taken notice of before.
Take a moment
Think about the impact of light in darkness. How can you bring light to the lives of others?
Take a moment
Spend a few minutes in silence each day and see what happens.
Take a moment
What begins again this new morning? How can you take a fresh look at the world around you today?
Take a moment
Think about a tricky task or problem you’re facing. How can you start and take a first step?
Take a moment
Consider what tomorrow brings in the present moment. Find some time to make peace with what tomorrow will bring and try to face it with hope.
Take a moment
Remember the people who you connect with in your life with gratefulness. How can you reach out to them today?
Take a moment
If you’re struggling today, who might you reach out and talk to? Or do you know someone who needs a chat today? Why not get in touch.
Take a moment
Reflect on the masterpiece that is your life. It may not feel like it, but be grateful for the good things and take time to notice those things you love about you.
Take a moment
Allow yourself time to be aware of those you love and care for. Allow your own feelings of compassion and understanding to grow. Take time to be mindful of these feelings and consider how you might express them.
Take a moment
Take some time to reflect on the season of Spring happening all around you. Does this bring you any hope, even in dark times?
Take a moment
Reflect on the now, with happiness and gratefulness. try and live the present moment.
Take a moment
Take some time to become aware of your inner light or hope. Does it need tending and supporting. How is the daily grind of the world and its events affecting it?
Take a moment
Take a moment. Allow yourself time to say "you can do it" to yourself or to someone else.
Take a moment
What meaning and purpose is important in your life? How can it bring light to your present situation?
Take a moment
Consider the doors in front you. You can open them. Hope is possible
Take a moment
What can you let go today? What can you pick up as you take the next steps in your journey of life?
Take a moment
You’ve come this far. You may be far stronger or more resilient that you think you are. Be encouraged.
Take a moment
Consider which way you’re moving in your life.
Take a moment
Take in the marvels in your life and the marvels of life which are around you. How can you make more time for them?
Take a moment
Consider this tension of care and passion. What are the things you feel are really important in your life?
Take a moment
Remember a relationship you have which is balanced - where both you and the other person benefit. Be thankful for that relationship. What makes it work?
Take a moment
Take time to be aware of your body, how it feels and all the different sensations, aches and feelings it has.
Take a moment
Recognise that you are worthy and wonderful - that your successes are great, that when things go wrong it’s hard - but neither of those two things define you.
Take a moment
So many wellbeing tools use what’s already in your life. Reflect on the good things in your world. Give them more space and time.
Take a moment
Finding some space in a calming place like the outdoors and ponder all the beauty still left around you. Let it bring you joy.
Take a moment
Reflect on yesterday, be present in today and allow this moment to bring you hope. What simple rhythms could you employ to give you space to sit and reflect like this?
Take a moment
Stop, be curious, and allow things to speak to you.
Take a moment
Reflect on those simple aspects of self-care like sleep and relaxation. How can you give more time and space to them?
Take a moment
Reflect on tough choices and your yes’s and no’s. Think of three yes’s that you really want to give and how to protect them.
Take a moment
Recognise the changes happening in your life. Is this a moment to allow them rather than fight them?
Take a moment
Contemplate the connections you have in life and the ways you are vulnerable with others. Be grateful. Can we commit to being braver in relationships?
Take a moment
You are part of the universe. You are important. You are part of something far bigger. Reflect on these ideas for a while.
Take a moment
Take some time to consider the challenges you’re facing right now and what positives might exist within them. What’s in your control?