Working through Digital Anxiety
So how do we get to grips with some of these anxieties?
I would like to suggest that a primary response is learning and training.
Whilst the online world can understandable worry us, there are reassurances and solutions in getting to know more. This is one of the reason’s we connected with the Make it Click project - providing support to become more confident online.
We recommend you head over to our Make it Click pages and express interest in receiving support or in joining one of our groups. We’d love to help you. You can sign up and create an account, select Space to Breathe (8006130) as your centre and start learning.
Particularly, remember what your aims are for coming online. What is it that you want to achieve? How can you then learn ways to achieve what you want, whilst protecting and supporting yourself where you feel worried?
During one of our sessions, someone asked about Facebook groups. How can I join them without feeling I’m going to be inundated with people and adverts targeting me? Similarly how can I post things on Facebook and have them read by the people I want, rather than those I don’t?
The answer is review the settings on the groups you join and with the posts you post. Look for the three dots (…) usually on the top right of a post or page. Here you can discover the settings of a group? Private or Public? Are there steps before you join? How easy is it to leave?
When posting, select the (…) and you can select to only post to friends or to keep a post private.
Make it Click can offer some brilliant resources and learning in these areas.
When you’re learning and engaging in training, try to get practical quickly - put your learning into action. Also try teaching someone else what you’ve learnt - this always gives you confidence.
Lastly, one way to address technostress is to go one step at a time. You can get overwhelmed by all the internet has to offer so just pick one thing to start with and choose your platforms wisely.
But what about information overload, the pressures of tech or disconnection anxiety or the fear of missing out? Andy shares more in this next video.