Wellbeing Support from Space to Breathe

As part of our partnerships with Sheffield Health and Social Care and the Voluntary Sector, we are offering wellbeing and self-care support to individuals across the city through referrals. We are able to offer Mindfulness through our Wellbeing Zone service, free places on our Meditation and Reflection course, free weekly resources, 1:1 options for support or someone to support an individual through the Buddy scheme.

This work aims to alleviate the winter pressures on waiting lists for services and provide support for those waiting for care and to those already receiving support through Sheffield’s Social Care and Mental Health support services.

Three are three distinct streams of support which are detailed below and are fully funded for support provided throughout the project pilot with Sheffield Health and Social Care.

Wellbeing Zone

Wellbeing Zones offer five sessions on self-awareness, learning mindfulness, relieving anxiety, lifting stress and building resilience. Can be delivered online/face-to-face and for groups or one-to-one sessions.


Well? is a weekly email service which offers three wellbeing resources each week on a theme and promotes self-care and building up a person’s wellbeing toolkit. Ideal to accompany a wait for care or to go alongside existing care.

Buddy scheme

One of our Volunteer Buddies can link with an individual within the Social Care system for help, befriending and support.

Meditation and Reflection for Wellbeing Course

This course, delivered online, teaches Mindfulness and Reflection skills and encourages a creative and empowering approach to use mindfulness in your own life and to support your mental health.

These opportunities can be accessed either by referral, through emailing info@spacetobreatheuk.com or through completing the form below. Do email us and we’ll respond within 24 hours.


We aim to offer Wellbeing support through learning mindfulness, grounding techniques and self-care tools can provide important support for people needing mental health or social/primary care support.  This support can provide the ability to ground and find balance and security in the midst of a mental health challenge – then finding it easier to face the problems you’re dealing with.  

Space to Breathe is a Community Interest Company (not for profit) with extensive experience and health and wellbeing resources to support individuals and teams to both be cared for and provided with tools and skills to take better care of themselves.

We have a range of immediately deployable solutions that have already supported NHS staff, Patients and Carers through local and national NHS commissions and that have been acknowledged nationally as exemplars (NHS Mental Health Community Forensic Teams Pilot).

Support in Wellbeing Zones, Well? resources and the Meditation Course can be provided to individuals on a one-to-one basis through both face-to-face and online work.  Particular things that will be offered include

+ Learning mindfulness, grounding techniques, lifting stress andrelieving anxiety.

+ A bank of online resources. These are short, easy to use wellbeing tools which develop a person’s wellbeing toolkit.

+ Access to Mindfulness groups, both delivered online and in person. 

+ Access to our Meditation and Reflection for Wellbeing Course in January 2021.  The course completed its first cohort in September and received 100% 5/5 scores from all 11 participants.   Course sessions are one hour and delivered online.

We have offered online support to individuals on the waiting list for a local charity in 2021.   They wrote: 

"The Space to Breathe resources are invaluable.  They provide our clients with the opportunity to build emotional and psychological resilience, it also provides practical strategies to help pad out their kitbag in readiness for the hard work of counselling.  It's reassuring to be able to offer something so useful whilst people are waiting for counselling to start. "

* All data shared will be stored securely and safely and in line with our Data Protection Policy and GDPR regulations.