Shhhh... Monday 23 July

Our next Shhhh… is fast approaching with this month’s theme is Peace. 

Shhhh… is all about space – space to contemplate and meditate, to reflect and to pray. This evening will be inclusive to everyone and be particularly relevant for people interested in spirituality but won’t feel religious in language or tone. Expect some art installations, poetry and prose, ambient music, visuals and creative ways to engage with your spiritual side.

This month our theme is Peace - we are going to contemplate the idea of serenity, of balance, of being settled, in amongst all the stresses and strains of everyday life.

Shhhh… is held at the Printhouse, 21-23 North Church Street in Sheffield S1 2DH and runs from 7.30pm to 9pm. It follows a simple pattern.

  • The first part of the evening is free for you to explore the space. They’ll be a number of installations, ambient music and visuals. You can engage with the different pieces and reflections around the room or just be still in the candlelight.
  • Then just after 8 we’ll spend half an hour together in a guided mediation which will use poetry, meditations, art and music to guide us together on a journey of inner discovery.
  • Then we’ll give 15 minutes to total silence, and then end.

All these activities will be inspired by the Christian tradition but open to all and nothing we do will require any previous religious knowledge or experience. Basically we’ll get stuck in together and see what happens.

We’ve been running Shhhh… since January 2018 and its been a  great success with people expressing how much they enjoyed the space and content. A few pictures from the evenings are below.

We hope to see you July 23rd at 7.30pm.