Being silent is a wonderful and simple way to take stock and reflect. Silence has been researched and been found to have a number of wellbeing and health benefits.

Give this a try:

Find a comfortable place and sit in whatever way feels relaxed and still. Have your eyes closed or open depending on what feels most comfortable.

Be completely still and silent. Allow the sounds around you to be there but you do not have to do anything about them. When you get distracted refocus. Try and do this for a few minutes at least. Use the resources to help or find something to focus on

When you have finished, relax and slowly come back into the room Four further ideas you might try:

1. When you feel yourself rushing stop for one moment and slow yourself.

2. In meetings when progress is hard or dialogue heated encourage everyone to be silent for at least one minute. Then ask if any new ideas have emerged.

3. Take up doodling. This is a perfect aid to silence and lets your mind wander to new places and new ideas.

4. Want a different perspective on an idea. Ponder it in silence for a few minutes and scribble ideas that arise. Let the silence allow you to see things differently.