Space to Breathe ... new home, new possibilities

Its been a busy week for us so far at Space to Breathe HQ as we’ve packed our bags and moved out of the lovely Printhouse in Sheffield to a new home. The team at the Printhouse seek to incubate new businesses and gave us a home in January 2017. We’re so grateful for the time and space given but now its time for a new home and a new adventure.

We’ve very pleased and excited to announce that we’re moving our base to the iconic Abbeydale Picture House on Abbeydale Road in South Sheffield.

The Abbeydale Picture House opened in December 1920 and housed a beautiful Picture Palace where early movies would have been shown to adoring crowds. Its been through a lot since then but the amazing Sheffield-based company CADS are aiming to restore it and its a wonderful project to be alongside.

The building is not just to be a cinema though. Abbeydale Picture House hosts Studio One, an imaginative co-working project that Space to Breathe will be part of. If you add in space for artist studios and a creative and vibrant community building we think this is wonderful project to be a part of.

Our hope is that Abbeydale Picture House can be a place of creativity, of community and co-working and a place where wellbeing is championed and we’re excited to play our part.

We’ll update you more as we go along but for now, please note our new mail address is

Space to Breathe

The Abbeydale Picture House, 387 Abbeydale Road

Sheffield S7 1FS

(Email and phone remains the same)