Greenbelt Making Sense ... Part Two

We’ve just got back from the Greenbelt Festival and loved the opportunity to share the work of Space to Breathe and our arts label Proost with the wider world. A team of about 20 of us put together a whole heap of stuff - venues, installations and content - and we bang sharing the story in part one of this feature last week.

In this article we want to share some stories from Proost Presents, our nightly collection of thought, poetry, music, art and meditation which was attended by over 500 people across the three nights.

We wanted to share the breadth of the Proost world so began with a blast from the past made present, with Grace in Ealing presenting a brilliant and creative evening around creativity.

On the second night we launched the new Proost Poetry collection Reaching for Mercy. It was great to hear work from over 15 poets featured in the book, many of whom had never performed in public before. The evening had a protest feel and it was great to have Gavin Mart perform “We shall overcome” to round off the evening. It felt like an authentic Greenbelt moment.

The our finale was a wonderful evening of being guided by the stars. Visual artists Jenny Hawkinson and Lucy Freeman curated beautiful pieces reflecting the stars and we took an Ignition journey asking what path our lives were on - making sense of the analogy of a ship at sea navigating by the stars.

During the whole week were had our own resident DJ Steve Leach and it was great to see people dancing as her performed. Then our evening was top and tailed by a guest performance from Flock (aka Harry and Chris) and by Gavin Mart. It felt a fitting celebration of what had been a great weekend.

As before we’ve shared some photos below and hope they give you a feel of a wonderful Greenbelt.