Shhhh... Change

We are very excited that our next Shhhh… is happening this Sunday 30 September and we’re looking at the theme of Change.

This feels appropriate for many reasons…

Shhhh… is at a new venue, 35 Chapel Walk Art Space, 35 Chapel Walk, Sheffield S1 2PD. This great venue hosts regular art exhibitions so is a perfect home for us. You can find it in the alleyway next to Paperchase and opposite the Starbucks on Fargate.

Shhhh… is on a new day. This term we’re moving away from Monday nights and instead doing Sundays and Thursdays. Our start time again is 730pm and we’ll finish by 9pm. Everything else will be the same - ambient music, installations, a led meditation and beautiful 15 minutes of silence.

Lastly though, Change feels appropriate for this season. September brings new starts for many, a season change from Summer to Autumn and then we also come to the end of September with many changes happening in our world.

Through chilled vibe, creative arts, poetry, meditation and reflection we’ll explore what change is, how it makes us feel and how we make sense of it.

It’d be great to have you with us.

Shhhh… is a free event and open to anyone. We use simple non-religious spirituality and draw from many different streams and sources from poets, to mystics, from traditions to new ideas.

We’d love to see you with us.
