Working friendships: - Why we run Work:Space Pop Up

About this time, 5 years ago I was working as a sole trader out of my first floor bedroom. Files were spread all over the room. MacBook and Printer stuffed in a corner table. It was an exciting time of life but sometimes quite isolating - work was hard, I was alone and it was tough to disconnect work from home life.

When I began to share a workspace with others the effect was life-giving. I could bounce ideas of people. New projects were dreamed up over a cup of coffee. Most of all friendships formed and these are incredibly valuable.

We are communal beings and finding working friendships is a wonderful gift. If you are a sole-trader, a self starter, a creative, an entrepreneur or getting starting on your own we’d love to invite you to Work:Space Pop Up.

These are occasional events. For some fo you the more full time Co-Working Spaces such as the brilliant Union Street or Studio One are the things for you. But for some of us, an occasional chance to meet and work with others - to make friendships - to change our environment - that is life giving.

We’d love to see you there.

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