Student Wellbeing: Our Partnership with SCM

Another priority we have for 2019 is Student Wellbeing.

The Institute for Public Policy suggests that five times as many students are disclosing mental health problems to their Universities than there were 10 years ago. In 2017 The Guardian’s Student Survey found 87% of First Year Students were struggling to cope with social or academic aspects of University life, with issues such as isolation, work/study balance and financial concerns placing highly.

We’ve therefore decided to partner with UK-based Student Christian Movement to try and find out what wellbeing issues are important to students and in particular to find out what we can do to help.

Many Universities are already doing fantastic work in supporting student wellbeing. We want to get right behind that. However, we are aware that sometimes waiting lists for this support can be long and its easier to feel isolated and alone. What meaningful things could Space to Breathe and SCM do together to help? We’d love your guidance and input.

With this in mind we’d love you to fill out our short wellbeing survey (it should take about 10 minutes.) It is anonymous but will help us to know what you think and how best we can help.

If you’re struggling at all and want some things to help you why not check out our Free Wellbeing Cards or or Winter & Wonder Resource?

We are also available to hear from you if you want to email and we’ll try our best to point you in the direction of help. If you’d like any help at all, you can contact us and our team will reply as quickly as we can. Use and we’ll get in touch as quickly as well. Our team aren’t Doctors or Counsellors so it may be that we need to connect you with someone we know and trust who can help you, but we’d be happy to hear your story and offer what help we can.