Thank you Greenbelt

Last weekend we had the privilege of working at the Greenbelt Festival 2019: Wit and Wisdom, in the beautiful surroundings of Boughton House nr Kettering.

Space to Breathe had the chance to host a pre-event space for volunteers, a stand in the Takeaway, a spirituality and wellbeing venue called The Chapel and then meditations each day and a performance called Roadside Stories in the programme. It was wonderful.

We also handed out over 1000 free meditations designed to be done anywhere, anytime. These had some wonderful feedback and we’re so pleased people found them helpful. We were also able to work ith a wonderful volunteer team onsite and be available to chat to people at the Chapel about life, the universe and anything really.

Greenbelt is a mix of everyday people, a mix of the arts, a mix of spirituality and beliefs. I loved the magical mix of things like Ghost Karibou performing, wonderful conversations with new friends, Extinction Rebellion in residence and bands as diverse as Cut Capers and Gregory Alan Isakov doing their thing.

We met many new friends and so if you visited our venues, stand or events and want to say … hi.

Many people asked how they can connect, support us or stay in touch.

  • If you’d like to chat to us about anything then email and we’d be happy to chat.

  • We have a Patreon Page where you can support our work and that of our arts label Proost. For just $10 (approx £8) a month you can make a real difference to our work.

  • You can support products like Festival, our book offering tribute to the art of celebration. This book directly funds our work at festivals.

  • You can hire us or talk to us about our wellbeing services. Just drop us a line.

  • You can follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and we’d love to share the journey with you.

Most of all, we left the Festival committed to supporting everyday people flourish in the extraordinary things they are doing. Whether it be pioneering development work, breaking glass ceilings, creating new businesses or starting our on new pathways. We met so many special people and we loved meeting you.

Here’s a few pictures from our Greenbelt. See you next year.

Thanks to Kinder, Jess and Emily for the photos.