Introducing The Garden Wellbeing Box

We’re delighted to announce that we have a new Wellbeing Box available in our shop. The Garden Box explores the link between nature and wellbeing and how our interactions with it can positively impact our wellbeing.

The Garden Box is the fourth in our successful series of Wellbeing Boxes after The Winter Warmer, Refresh Refocus and Thank a Teacher boxes all sold out last year and in 2020.

The box is held together by a story about Fran (see below). Fran has a small city garden but finds pleasure and joy in this small green space. She learns over time that this garden brings with it metaphors about her life, inspiration to live well and often the simplicity and peace and enjoyment. This story holds together what goes on in this box as you’re then encouraged to:

  • Breathe in nature in reflection

  • Be curious about what you find

  • Be creative in responding

  • Find pictures and metaphors about your own wellbeing.

The Garden includes three wellbeing cards - Curiosity, Growth and Bathing in Nature - plus a story card that holds the box together. You’ll also find activities linked to your wellbeing cards within the box - a set of Wildflower Seeds, a watercolour set and paintbrush, a set of three mini canvases and our tried and tested ‘24 Ways to Wellbeing’ card pack. There is also a Yorkshire Candle Company candle and two TeaPigs tea bags to help you nurture your wellbeing. To support and develop the activities, there will also be a link to some additional digital resources via a QR Code.

You can order the box via the button below. We’re very excited to share it.

Fran’s story

Photo’s of the Boxes