In a recent survey done by the Mental Health Foundation, a quarter of adults said they felt so anxious that it stopped them from doing the things they want to do some or all of the time. Six in ten adults feel this way, at least some of the time.
It’s normal for us to feel anxious at times, but there are many tools that can help. At Space to Breathe, we’re all about helping people find the tools that work for them.
One of the starting points for many of our tools is inviting people to simply notice, name and accept how they’re feeling.
When we try and ignore our feelings, they often present themselves in all sorts of unhelpful ways. Aches, pains in our stomach or head are common. These are feelings that are ‘trapped’ in our body, and it’s important to give them some space.
Naming our feelings can make them less overwhelming. Naming them makes them less abstract and more concrete which makes it easier for our brains to process in a more logical way. Sometimes we’ll name the feeling with a word, other times we might want to name them as a colour, a weather type or as an animal.
All feelings are ok. Having feelings are part of being human. All our feelings need validating without judgement, but not every feeling has to be acted on and responded to. The more we judge our feelings, the more likely we are to want to squash it down, and the more likely it is to linger in our body.
There are many more tools available on our website, and our Wellbeing Suite gives you access to over 150 resources to support your wellbeing, many of which are tools to manage anxiety. If you’re struggling with anxiety, check these out today to get better equipped.