Launching our next series of Restorative Yoga classes

We are delighted to announce our latest set of Restorative Yoga Classes.

These are free and available to both men and women who are struggling with their mental health and wellbeing. The classes are particularly effective for people needing help with their sleep.

The classes are:

Men’s Classes - Mondays each week at 3.30pm from Monday 3rd June for eight weeks

Women’s Classes - Mondays each week at 1.15pm from Monday 3rd June for eight weeks


There are six spots available for both Men’s and Women’s groups. We are using an online tool called SetMore for booking into each class. You can do that via the button below. You can also find out more at our Events pages. Lastly we also have dedicated pages for our Yoga work on the website and again you can find that below.

restorative yoga

Find out more about these groups from Space to Breathe. Click on the image


These classes have become a big part of our work at Space to Breathe and we’ve been thrilled with the impact. One of our participants shared:

Before these classes I had perhaps only 6 or so nights in the last 2 years when I had slept for more than 4 hours without waking. After the first session I slept for 7 hours straight and after 5 weeks on the course I had at least 7 hours continuous sleep for 6 nights in a row.

The difference in my general wellbeing and anxiety is huge (as a result of attending). I can cope with challenges and setbacks without having panic attacks. Negative thoughts now quickly disappear – prior to the classes they would control my whole day.

If you want to find out more about the classes and how they work, Fran has shared this great video explaining more.