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Connecting Faith & Wellbeing (Online Course)

Connecting Faith and Wellbeing is an online course.

This course runs on 22 November from 2.00-4.30pm and each place costs £10.

The course will:

  • Explore the landscape of wellbeing & how spirituality is contributing to it.

  • Look at why spirituality is moving from ‘religion’ to ‘health’ in bookshops, websites and people’s consciousness.

  • Ask what faith says to spirituality.

  • Give confidence to practitioners to contribute to that arena and provide tools they can use.

  • Create a debate around everyday faith, non-religious spirituality and how they might respond.

The seminar will be creative, have plenty of space for discussion and have a follow on closed Facebook group for ideas which every participant will be given access to.

Previous Participants have said …

“Informative, helpful and insightful”

“Andy has connected the world of faith with the principles of wellbeing really well.”

“We enjoyed attending your workshop a couple of weeks ago, particularly the Shh meditation. You’ve got a lot to offer groups on the margins of faith or those searching for inclusive, relevant opportunities for reflection at this time.”

“An absolutely brilliant meeting.”