Plans are coming together for our next Exhibition on 1st May as part of our Shhhh… programme.
This next event is entitled Working Soul and falls on International Workers Rights Day.
We want to use the creative arts to ask questions of work - how do we feel about our places of work and our wellbeing within it? What is our connection with our workplace? How does work benefit us or impact us?
We’d like to invite Sheffield businesses to take 15 minutes out of their day bring their teams to visit the exhibition and ponder our place in the working life of this city of Sheffield.
This will be a brilliant way to engage with the issues around workplace wellbeing and to ask questions of why and how we work.
You’re also very welcome to visit the exhibition if you work on your own or if you’re just interested.
We will be working with local artists and also showcasing some of the traditional industries and working patterns that make our city what it is. We’d love you to come along.
The event is free and runs from 11.30am to 7.30pm at 35 Chapel Walk Gallery, Chapel Walk, Sheffield.
Then at 7.30pm we will run a short closing meditation together on the themes of the day.
Our event listing gives you more details
Check out this short movie where Andy Freeman shares more about the event and why we believe it’s important …