Three great events in 10 days ...

It’s going to be a hectic 10 days for us here at Space to Breathe HQ as we host three Sheffield based events in the space of 10 days. We’d love to see you at all, some or one of them.

Working Soul Exhibition

Tomorrow (1st May) we host our next ‘Shhhh Exhibition’ which is called Working Soul. Open between 11.30am and 7.30pm we will be showcasing work from Emily Garces, Lucy Freeman, Line Bjorhovd and our team at Space to Breathe. The exhibition will ask questions of what our working lives are and how we make sense of work and our vocations. It’s free and it’ll be a beautiful bit of space in your day - why not pop in. The day ends with a short group meditation at 730pm.

WorkSpace Pop Up

Our next WorkSpace Pop Up is happening on 8th May at Abbeydale Picture House. This is a pop-up space for anyone working as a sole trader, social entrepreneur or starting a new venture. Its a community space for those who often work alone. Its become a popular and welcome pop-up working space in the city and there’s room for more. Love to see you

Martin Daws at Proost Live 10 May

Lastly our arts label Proost is hosting a special spoken word and arts evening featuring the brilliant Martin Daws on Friday 10 May at the Printhouse Sheffield. Martin is a brilliant performing who’s work stretches across all the genre’s of poetry, spoken word. He’s a contemporary and imaginative performer and we love him. Tickets at £3.79 (incld 79p Eventbrite fee) and available from our Eventbrite pages below.