Kickstarter Update - we need your help

Three weeks ago we began a journey on our Kickstarter project - to raise £3800 in 30 days to provide support for wellbeing and mental health at three UK Festivals and to create new art and resources to support people on their life journeys.

Three weeks in and we’re very grateful for all the support we’ve received. Our current total is £1641.00 (43% of our total) meaning we need to raise a further £2239.00 in the next seven days.

This funding would help us in a number of areas.

  • Its estimated 1 in 4 of us will experience some sort of mental health challenge each year. We’re finding Festivals can provide positive experiences to enable people to flourish and enhance their wellbeing. But Festival experiences can also be ones where people suddenly face up to struggles or are confronted with difficult experiences and emotions. We want to be able to provide resources and personal support for people so that these difficult times are manageable and that the experiences of flourishing can be ones that make a real difference.

  • Today we’ve launched a for downloadable Festival Wellbeing Guide for the Tramlines Festival here in Sheffield. We’re really proud of it and already its had a really positive response - but we’d like to make any festival setting.

  • This week we’re finishing the design and content for our new resource Festival … a collaboration of artists, writers, poets and thinkers on the theme of celebration. We’d love to make this into a hard back book that we can share widely.

  • We’ve been thrilled to see many of our 1-2-1 Mental Health First Aid slots for artists and volunteers at Edinburgh Festival book out. We’ve been so impacted by the positive response and good will by performers and team getting ready for the Festival Fringe. However, we’d like to take the opportunity to really feel the pulse of the festival and ask why so many face wellbeing challenges whilst they’re at Fringe.

There are so many opportunities ahead of us this summer and we’d so appreciate it if you could help us make some of these dreams reality. We need a big push now to get us over the line but know with so much goodwill anything is possible.

Would you help us?