Festival Kickstarter: Nearly but no cigar ... what next?

Thank you everyone for the incredible support you gave our Kickstarter.We raised £3060 in pledges over 30 days, an amazing achievement but sadly short of our all-or-nothing target of £3800.

We've had a little think about what to do next and so wanted to update you. We are still going to give our all at the Edinburgh and Greenbelt Festivals and have come up with an idea for our book Festival ... read on.

  • At Edinburgh Fringe we are going to focus on our 1-2-1 Mental Health First Aid appointments which have already proved really popular. Andy will be in Edinburgh from 12-16 August, we'd love to catch up. Our plan is also to do some informal research whilst we are there to come up with new plans for 2020.

  • At Greenbelt we are thrilled to have organised programming, the Chapel and some informal installations. Again we will see you there. The Kickstarter would have enabled us to be a bit more ambitious with our work and to put more into wellbeing care but we are pleased to say a couple of donors have offered us some support so we can go for a lot of what we've planned.

  • Our Wellbeing Guide for Tramlines Festival in Sheffield was downloaded 362 times. This is amazing. We'd love to build on this for 2020. Our aim to create a template for every UK Festival is something we'll have to shelve for the time being - however, if you work at a UK Festival and are interested in a collaboration we'd love to help you.

  • Lastly, we've been thrilled by the response to the idea of our book Festival. Although we've not hit our target we think we can produce a version of the book in download and print form. To help this, you can now pre-order Festival via our arts label Proost. This offer is the same as that here on the Kickstarter site - £10 per UK copy and £15 for Rest of the World. Shipping is free. This offer will only last until the end of August when we'll release the book formally. If you want to pre-order a copy at this reduced price then use the links below:

UK Pre-Order of Festival - https://proost.co.uk/books/festival-book-pre-order-with-free-shipping

Rest of the World Pre-Order of Festival - https://proost.co.uk/books/festival-book-pre-order-with-free-shipping-m8px6

Thanks so much for your kindness in backing us. We appreciate all your kindness. If you want to hear to know anything at all you can contact me andy@spacetobreathe.eu and we can tell you more.

Cheers and thanks
