Adjusting to the new normal: New things from Space to Breathe

Four weeks into the lockdown, how are you doing?

Here are Space to Breathe it’s been an interesting, challenging and stretching time but we’re in good spirits and adjusting to a new normal of working. We thought we’d spend a few moments highlighting the changes we’ve made and how you can connect to them.

Below are five new initiatives, ideas or opportunities which we hope connect with your new normal during this time and that give you support. Why not get in touch with us and let us know what your new normal is like and how we can help you.

well? logo - 1.png

We’ve launched a new monthly subscription called Well? It’s like a gym membership for your wellbeing with weekly resources and ideas sent to your inbox.

Culture webinar

We’re now sharing our training online and have just announced a free ‘Creating Cultures of Wellbeing’ webinar for businesses & organisations happening on 12 May at 12 noon

Connecting Faith & Wellbeing webinar

We are passionate to help faith groups understand and connect to the wellbeing arena. We are therefore running a course on 18 May (£10) equipping faith communities of all types to engage supporting mental health and wellbeing


Shhh digitally

Our Shhh… meditations are now running each week on YouTube. Shhh is a key part of our work and we’re delighted to share it with a wider audience. Check it out below.

Coronavirus Impact Support

As an organisation we’ve been committed to be generous at this time and so we’re offering a range of support during the Coronavirus crisis. This is emerging daily as things change so check out our pages and if we can help you we’d love to