Kindness: A Wellbeing Staff Meeting for Schools

Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme was kindness which we featured heavily on this blog and in our social media.

Kindness has been a theme we’ve worked with for a while and something very important to us. In our Wellbeing triangle, the key dynamic of authentic connection with others is fostered by a sense of kindness and generosity to others. We’ve therefore made kindness central to a new wellbeing offer for School Staff.

As many schools and preparing for or discussing re-opening, we’re sure that staff wellbeing is a concern.

We share that concern, and have put together this wellbeing session which you can book in as one of your staff meetings over the next half term. The session will pick up on the Mental Health Awarenss Week’s theme of kindness and promote kindness to self and others in these times of anxiety and stress. 

The session will be run on Zoom by our Education Lead Ben Harper, who will be back from furlough at the beginning of the new half term. We are offering the staff meeting for £125.  The session will be structured in such a way to make it possible for whole staff teams to attend together which we hope will help people to feel connected at a time when the team is more dispersed. 

To book your session, just let us know the time and day of your staff meetings and your preferred date. We’re expecting high demand so ‘book early to avoid disappointment’.  Click on the link below to book and find out more.