Wellbeing tools for SME's during the Coronavirus situation

As founder of Space to Breathe and one of it’s directors I’ve felt first-hand the pressures, questions and concerns of running a business in these uncharted times.

With those experiences in mind we’ve created three wellbeing tools to help Small and Medium sized businesses put wellbeing at the centre of their planning and organisation as we get ourselves ready for lockdown to be eased.

This short movie tells you more

The three tools we mentioned in the video are:

Wellbeing Check-Ins

Free thirty minute wellbeing check-in’s for anyone who wants a one-to-one chat about their wellbeing. Free, no obligation and on your terms.

Covid-19 Wellbeing Audit

Audit of current wellbeing practices, 5 proven tools and content and advice in regard to best practice at the current time £100 flat fee.

Self-Care Resources Pack

In this time of dispersed teams and remote working our Self-Care Resources pack provides 15 proven and tried self-care resources to a school, organisation or team. You receive rights to share with unlimited numbers of colleagues, use in training, presentations, internal communications etc. The tools are designed to add to a person’s self-care and enhance their wellbeing in easy and practical ways. Price £200

Lastly we’ve been sharing five top tips for keeping wellbeing central in your planning for offices and contact centres, have a read of our blog.