Your Wellbeing Toolkit

This month at Space to Breathe, we’re going to be thinking about building your own Wellbeing Toolkit.

Looking after your health and wellbeing is a life long journey. If we only respond when things get tough we may life overwhelms us. If we only look after our health and wellbeing at certain times, we may find the unexpected challenges hit us hard.

Instead, having a wellbeing toolkit means we always have ideas and techniques at our disposal when things get tough.

These tools are often simple and easy to use. They can be a 5 minute breathing technique. They might be a walk in nature or taking time to recharge our batteries. Some things will work for you, something things may not. The key is try things out and then find things to do little and often - developing healthy routines and rhythms.

The start to any good set of tools is the toolbox or container to put them in.

We think for wellbeing, the container is self-awareness.

Psychologist Carl Rogers wrote “the curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” The amazing thing is that the road to health and greater wellbeing starts with us being willing to see ourselves exactly as we are.

Why not take a few minutes today to ask:

  • How am I doing and feeling?

  • What things are positive that I’m grateful for today?

  • What are the areas of challenge where I might need help?

As we move on through the month we’ll share more about how these kind of questions can be explored in different techniques that can grow and shape our wellbeing, and be part of our wellbeing toolkit.