Time to Talk

This Monday was Time to Talk Day, part of an annual campaign by Mind encouraging people to talk and share about the mental health and wellbeing.

This simple idea of talking to others is important for a few reasons. Mind estimate that one in four of us will experience a mental health problem in any given year. That’s 25% of us each and every year. A 2017 survey estimated that of those of us who struggle, 75% never receive formal diagnosis or support. That can lead to problems.

Here at Space to Breathe we want to encourage everyone to feel more comfortable to talk about mental health – in whatever way feels right to you. This commitment is because each of us have experienced personal journeys where talking to someone made a difference. Here’s Andy’s story of just such an occasion that we recorded in 2020.

Mind share that “talking about mental health helps to create supportive communities where we can talk openly about mental health and feel empowered to seek help when we need it.” We also recorded stories from Jo and Ben about their own experiences.

Ben shares about the value of talking about your mental health in a school environment. Jo shares about her experiences as a Mum and how talking was vital. Again both of these were recorded in 2020.

We really hope these videos are helpful and can inspire you in your own mental health journey. Talking can really make a difference. Why not think about how you might share with if you’re struggling. Or is there someone you know you should call tonight and check how they are? Why not do that today.