Listening to Loss: Making sense of Healthy Bereavement

Times of loss and grief are incredibly hard for us to process. CS Lewis called grief “an amputation” in his famous book “A Grief Observed.” This feels like an overstatement but loss genuinely often feels this way - that something that we’ve relied on so heavily is suddenly gone.

Over the past years we’ve found at Space to Breathe that bereavement and it’s impacts can be a major contributor to our wellbeing and managing to accept and manage our emotions through it can be a vital part of living healthily.

Since September we’ve been partnering with Compassionate Sheffield and Faithstar to host a series of events that look at healthy bereavement and ask people what resources and support they have available and what they wish existed but wasn’t.

To follow that up we’re running two initiatives at the start of 2024 and we’d love you to get involved if you feel able.

Online Survey

Firstly we’re hosting an online survey which asks some simple questions about your experiences. The results of this will contribute towards a report which seeks to influence the discussion on bereavement resources in the city and particularly make sure that people’s individual contexts and cultures are reflected. The survey takes about five minutes and can be found at the link below. Please do join in.

Listening to Loss Online

Then we’re running an online version of our Listening to Loss events, three of which happened across Sheffield before Christmas. This online session will last an hour and enable you to access the stations and installations we used in a virtual way. The group will be a safe space, with time for reflection and the opportunity to breakout and chat to someone if you need. You can see photos of our face to face events at the bottom of this article and they give you a sense of what to expect online. Listening to Loss Online happens on Thursday 15th February at 7.30pm and you can book in via the link below.

Getting support

Lastly if you’ve been affected by grief or bereavement and you’d like to talk to someone, why not get in touch with us at Space to Breathe and we’d be happy to start a conversation and offer support. Email us at and title your email Grief support and we’ll come right back to you.