As human beings our feelings can be varied, contrasting, sometimes joyful sometimes very hard to process. Making sense of the feelings we have can be challenging.
If we can find a way to make sense of our feelings, we will find this realiy helps our wellbeing.
“The Paradox is the moment I accept myself exactly as I am, then I can change”
The skill of making sense allows us to be:
self aware - realising how we feel and taking action based on reality
able to process feelings healthily - you’ll find you can express emotions and feelings in a more controlled and healthier way.
more conscious of ways to manage and improve our wellbeing.
We’ve collected these resources to help you consider making sense of your feelings.
This MP3 meditation allows you some time to reflect and take stock of where life is and how you feel. Expect a mindfulness style approach with space to think and ambient music.
The Feelings Wheel (Dr Gloria Wilcox)
We use the Feelings Wheel a lot in our work. It’s a handy tool which allows us to see how feelings are connected and that feelings often fall into different categories. The key idea is that feelings are neutral - feelings aren’t bad or good they are just feelings - it’s what we do with them that counts. I’ve attached below some handy tools on the feelings wheel
This video allows us to use metaphor to explore the idea of making sense of emotions, feelings and thoughts. It’s five minutes to watch.