A Year of Soulful Wellbeing

Last week, as I added our upcoming Soulful Wellbeing Days for School Staff to our events page, it seemed timely to reflect back on something which started just over a year ago. In that time over 200 school staff have attended one of Space to Breathe’s Soulful Wellbeing days which have been described as ‘fantastic and informative’, ‘calm’ and ‘a space to slow down and rethink’.

Having worked in education for over 20 years, Ben, our Education Lead recognised that for school staff, investing in their own wellbeing was so important in a sector where pressure is continually increasing. I sat down with Ben to chat a bit more about the background to Soulful Wellbeing.

Ben, can you tell me more about why you started Soulful Wellbeing Days?

I started Soulful Wellbeing because I really believe in education. I believe when it's done at its best, it not only transforms the lives of children and young people but also their families and communities. But I also think that working in school is a 'tough gig'. I know first-hand how demanding and draining it can be, as well as hugely rewarding. I think staff wellbeing has to be a priority; when staff thrive, the children and young people in their care are best served. For our communities to have effective schools at their heart, school staff need to be given all the support and tools possible to do their job well!  

Which in itself partly answers my next question; why do you think it is important for school staff to be making time for wellbeing?

You can't pour from an empty cup! By very nature, many school staff are kind, giving sorts, and in order not to burn out, we all need to make sure we are intentionally investing in our wellbeing. That's not to say that we create another to do list of things we have to do, but just structure our lives in a way of that ensures we have the necessary inner resources to do our jobs to their best. Our children and young people deserve that, but so do the staff who serve them.

I know you now offer Twilight sessions as well as whole day sessions for Soulful Wellbeing. Why did you decided to set up the Soulful Wellbeing sessions as a whole day to begin with?

I think a whole day gives people an opportunity to slow down and detach enough to really consider what will help them to look after their wellbeing in the everyday. For me, it's important that people have a 'wellbeing experience' as well as taking away a framework they can use beyond the day. I think having experienced the framework, people can understand better how it helps, and they go away more committed to making the small but significant changes needed to enhance their wellbeing. 

That makes sense. I imagine over the last year you’ve had some interesting conversations and positive experiences. What have been some of your highlights from the last year? 

I think seeing people relax as they go through one of our Soulful Days is a real highlight; actually seeing the model work in front of you. I often hear back from staff members who have attended the days that they have felt valued and heard during the day which feels really important. And I often receive feedback in hindsight where staff let me know the value that the day has had for them beyond that one day, which is why we do it really. I recently heard from a staff member who had been struggling with their mental health, who contacted me to say that as a result of the wellbeing day, they had had their first day in school in months where they hadn’t experienced anxiety. It’s those individual stories that really make it worthwhile. Another highlight was on a recent visit to one of the schools we have been working with; I bumped into several members of staff who have been on one our days and it was really nice to hear how they had found the day so helpful to them. I also found out that I am known amongst some of the staff as ‘Soulful Ben’ which I found quite amusing and endearing at the same time! 

Over the last year Ben has gained some really useful feedback from staff about their experience of the days and we’re pleased to report that 97% of school staff rated the day as excellent or very good. The following infographic showcases a year of Soulful Wellbeing:

A Year of Soulful Wellbeing