Space to Breathe and Coronavirus

Life has changed as we know it right now and as Coronavirus spreads we’re being forced to change the way we live. Everyone I have spoken to has been feeling a mix of emotions as we progress through the different stages of this pandemic and now we’re moving towards more social distance I hear people talking about fear, anxiety, anticipation of quality time, stress, freedom, lack of freedom, insecurity, a sense of community,. 

Being forced to change the way we live means looking at the current situation we are in and making some changes. Resetting rhythms and patterns of life. Being creative in business and socially. 

There’s a reality to the fact that we will lose dear family and friends, some of us may lose jobs and businesses – we ourselves aren’t immune to this potential. But we also don’t want to lose hope. 

In a society where it doesn’t feel like there is much space to breathe at the moment, we are committed to supporting you to find breathing spaces; to enabling you to look after your wellbeing and the wellbeing of others; to find ways to connect; to not lose hope. 

In response, we are planning to focus our support in the following four ways:

1.    Support for small businesses and entrepreneurs

We have already set up an online support group on Facebook to provide a space of support and connection for local small businesses. It has been incredible how this has grown, with already over 250 members connected in in the last few days and people sharing encouragements and concerns. We will continue to use this to offer up-to-date information, resources and creative ways to connect as we move to a more home-based working pattern.

We’re also working with ten regions throughout the UK to help them to offer local business support where they are. If you are interested, get in contact.

2.    Mental health first aid

We are providing thirty minute mental health first aid sessions for those who find themselves struggling and overwhelmed by the current events that we find ourselves in. If you know of anyone who needs help with this, do get in touch.

3.    Creating wellbeing resources

Wellbeing resources are a key part of the work we do at Space to Breathe and we will continue to develop wellbeing resources to support you throughout the changes brought about by Coronavirus.

We have set up a webpage to signpost you to various support resources whether they be small business advice, creative meditations or general mental health support. We will continue to add to this as and when we find new resources.

Our Shhh creative meditations have already moved to being offered online. Our first one focuses on ‘flourishing’ and helps you to think about you can be a little bit more you. Take 15 minutes today to watch it and respond.

In addition to a number of free wellbeing resources that we have made available through these pages, we are planning to launch a digital wellbeing subscription that will offer weekly wellbeing content straight to your inbox. We’re planning to launch this at the start of April so look out for more information over the next couple of weeks.

4.    Support for School Staff

Ben Harper has set up a Facebook group for Sheffield school staff which aims to offer a space for those working in local schools to connect and receive support and encouragement. Ben has done this as a teacher himself and is running it in a voluntary capacity but we love the concept and are right behind it. Thanks Ben for being so generous. If you are a member of school staff we’d encourage you to join the group and receive some support. We’ll be involved as the group develops.