World Mental Health Day 2024

Each year we take a day to particularly mark and note the importance of Mental Health around the world. This year the theme is “mental health in the workplace” and that makes sense to our work here at Space to Breathe.

So often we will suppress, avoid or be blocked in our desire to get help. We may feel like there’s too much stigma to ever say I’m struggling. We may feel that society expects us to just keep going. We may feel there are way too many boundaries and barriers to getting us care.

MIND conducted a survey in 2019 and found that 50% of us didn’t feel comfortable to talk about our Mental Health at work - the main reasons were stigma, job security and shame. That’s a situation that we need to address.

If you are responsible for a workplace, why not check out the options we offer here at Space to Breathe to help you. Or why not access our Personal Wellbeing section to look after your own mental health. Use the buttons below.

Each World Mental Health Day, I remember the meditation that “sometimes it is enough to survive the day.” To everyone watching or reading this that you’ve achieved so much just getting this far. Keep going and we are with you and want to support you.

Today, why don’t you:

Asking for help is often the hardest step. Why not reach out to us or to other support today - we’d love to help you.

For more, we’ve created a library of ideas and resources for World Mental Health Day 2024. Check them out here.