Introducing the 10:4 campaign

Over our work in the past six years, we’ve consistently found four wellbeing tools help people who are either waiting for care, struggling to connect or working through discharge. These tools are simple and easy to grasp like a breathing tool. They’re life changing in terms of personal perspective like that moment we begin to understand our worries or fears. Lastly they’re practical - they can be done anywhere and can be learnt quickly like a grounding tool.

As we head towards 2024 we are seeking to raise £5,000 in donations to enable us to make our four most tried and tested wellbeing resources free to access for people who need it most. We’d love you help us.

We particular want to prioritise those who face increasing pressure or struggle in their lives and make resources available to those whose access is often denied or fraught with struggle. We think wellbeing and mental health is a priority for all and have realised over time that sometimes we need to seek support from ordinary people like you to help people in these settings.

That’s where the 10:4 campaign comes in. We want to make four wellbeing tools available to 250 people who would often struggle to get support & who often fall through the cracks of public health support.

The four tools we’d share are:

  • Learning adapted breathing exercises help people ground themselves and see the wood for the trees when life is tough.

  • Learning self-awareness tools enable worries and stresses to move from elusive to known and enables strategies to be built.

  • Learning ways to gain perspective help create realistic and possible routes to recovery.

  • Learning to establish a sense of purpose an hope give people the emotional energy to face the future.

Your donation would make a difference…

£10 will enable us to share a simple set of resources which help people know, try and practice these tools.

£100 will enable us to work one-to-one in person with individuals to help contextualise these tools into their own lives.

£500 will enable us to offer a series of one-to-one or group sessions around these four tools to help build rhythms and routines of self-care and listen to their needs and concerns at the different moments in their journey of getting better.

We hope raising these funds over the coming months will enable us to make a significant impact in the lives of 250 people. It will also allow us to gain data and feedback on the support we give so we can then aim to raise a further £20,000 in grant funding to expand and deliver the project going forward. In this way your donation would make a difference both now and in the future.

We’d love you to join us in this project and in supporting people who need help. If we receive 500 donations of £10 we reach our goal.

You can donate below. Thanks so much.

Although we are not a charity, Space to Breathe does welcome and receive donations as part of our work as a Community Interest Company. Sometimes these are linked to a project (e.g. The Remembering resource) or at other times they are a general gift to our work.

We commit to spending 100% of your gift on furthering the work of Space to Breathe and by doing so, enabling a growth and support in people’s wellbeing.