We’ve reached our first milestone in our 2025 for 25% campaign - learn more and find out how you can join in
10:4 Campaign: would you help us hit our target? UPDATE
10:4 Campaign: Updates & Free Gift news
Introducing the 10:4 campaign
Managing these uncertain times ...
The Hiddenness of Mental Health
Despite the increased profile and publicity of mental health, there are still many people who have to live with their condition in a hidden way - either because of stigma and shame or because of barriers that stop them. In 2022, Space to Breathe want to do more to break these barriers and provide greater support to people struggling with their mental health. Read on.
Our 2022 Journey and an invite to help us ...
Human to Human: A Tackling Inequalities Update
In October it was our honour and privilege to be invited to work with Sheffield Community Forensic Team, Sheffield Flourish, SADACCA and Faithstar to support people from Black, Asian and Ethic Minority Backgrounds in their mental health and wellbeing. We’ve realised that this work is ultimately human to human, realising we share our work as vulnerable people and we connect with others who’s journey to recovery is inspiring and humbling. Read on to hear the latest.