The Wellbeing Triangle : An Introduction

Wellbeing is at the heart of what we do at Space to Breathe. Our aim in everything we do is to help people to live well, live fully and live deeply. This is about thriving, not just surviving. But what does that look like practically?

Over the last year, we have been using a simple framework to help people think about their wellbeing. This framework has been described as ‘thought provoking’, ‘effective’ and ‘clear’ as a way of helping people to think about their wellbeing.  

The Wellbeing Triangle

The framework is shown as a triangle; a geometrically balanced shape that has three equally balanced and important parts. The soul is at the centre of our wellbeing triangle. This is an acknowledgement that we are all more than the ‘skin and bones’ we walk around in. The soul is the ‘non materials self’; the bit that cannot be seen or quantified. In many religious traditions it is thought to be the heart of a person; the seat of emotions and where personality originates from. What our wellbeing triangle proposes is that just as the body needs proactive care to thrive, so too the soul needs care and attention. 

As we encourage people to thrive, not just survive, the triangle is one of the tools we use to help people think about how this might be possible. It’s a proactive and preventative approach to our wellbeing that invites investment; that is, it’s not about waiting until the car is burnt out before we attend to its maintenance, but rather ensuring we’re checking the fuel levels and tyre pressures regularly. That said, we do believe that if we are burnt out and awaiting repair, engaging in some of the activities that the triangle proposes will give us the best chance of survival alongside the specialist and professional support we might also need.  

The triangle is all about connection. We believe that this is what the soul needs to do well. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be exploring what connection to self, others and ‘Other’ might look like and we’ll give you a simple activity to do which will help you to try it out. Our hope is that you will be encouraged to do more things that nurture your soul. Our hope is that you’ll live a bit more well, a bit more fully and a bit more deeply.