Wellbeing Made Simple

Life is full. 

The picture of running on a constant treadmill whilst trying to juggle a thousand things seems to resonate with people. Even in lockdown there are endless jobs to be done, people to Zoom with, new projects and books to read. Shopping takes longer and feels more complicated. Working from home is a different kind of juggle. 

A lot of the things we are juggling are good. Quizzes with friends, chats with family, transforming a garden into a haven. They bring joy and satisfaction and connection. But life can, and certainly does for me, feel full.

And then people talk about wellbeing.

You might be thinking, ‘Where am I supposed to fit that in?’ You might even wonder how it can be wellbeing if the thought of fitting it in feels stressful!

The good news is, wellbeing can be simple.

It doesn’t need to take hours a day. It doesn’t need to mean only drinking water with lemons in and taking up yoga. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with those things but my body isn’t quite flexible enough for yoga!

What it does mean is that you find simple techniques to fit in to your everyday life that help you to thrive. Things that you enjoy and that give you life. These simple tools will help you to stop for a moment, get off the treadmill or find a slower pace on the treadmill and focus on yourself, on how you’re doing.

Throughout the month of July, we will be sharing a simple tool every week day that you can try out. Some will work for you. If they do, add them to your wellbeing kit. Some won’t, and that’s ok too. 

Wellbeing, for Space to Breathe, is focused around the idea of connection; connection with self, connection with others and connection with Other. The tools we share will fit in with these.

There will be days when it looks like connecting with a friend. There will be days that involve focusing on something as you take a walk. More of us are doing this as part of out every day just now anyway.

Follow along in the month of July and find out how you can make wellbeing part of life, not an added on extra in the busyness of life.