Finding Space for Your Wellbeing

Friday 7th May marks National Space Day. Which was a joyous coincidence to discover as this month you will notice us talking about the idea of finding, or making, space. Space is something that inspires wonder, a sense of peace and connection. It can be about time or a specific place. Space can be something that allows our bodies, minds and souls to unwind and be well. Whether that is in pausing to notice and wonder at the stars in the sky, slowing your pace of life on a much needed holiday or stepping into a peaceful room and just being for a few minutes. It can be the difference between stress or calm, overwhelm or the ability to juggle all the balls.

As the UK as a nation steps out of lockdown into a relative level of freedom and a regaining sense of connection, it could be all too easy for you to step back on to that treadmill of hurry that you might have lived on before.

For many of us, covid has taught us more about what we value, helped us to realise that there are good parts to living life more slowly and for some, there will be an apprehension in re-establishing a new life rhythm.

So making space feels important.

Space to reflect on what we want to add back to in from our lives pre-covid and space to work out the things from life during lockdown that we want to keep. Lots of people I have spoken to recently have already talked about missing the simplicity, or how tired they are from socialising again. Which is why talking about the different aspects of making space feels important to help you maintain a sense of wellbeing and flourishing.

Finding Space and You

Over this month, you will learn about some helpful practices that will help you to build margin in to life, to create spaces. We’ll give you creative ways to use small spaces of time to recover, reconnect with yourself and build wellness into your day.

We’ll be thinking about literally finding space to breathe as we guide you through a variety of different breathing techniques. The power of breathing for restoration is an incredible thing for your body, mind and soul so you will learn how to breathe in a way that also helps you to pause, to destress and refocus.

You’ll also discover how practices of slowness, stillness and solitude can be beneficial for your wellbeing. There will be simple techniques and practices that you can begin to live out as you learn to embrace space. 

As you think about the idea of finding or making space, what one thing would you most like to learn about or live out in this area this month?