We all need a break

Some of us have worked harder than ever in the last few months, some less than ever, but we all need a break. That’s because all of us have had to work hard over the last few months to get our heads around the massive shifts in how life works in light of a global pandemic. This has been a huge mental task … high praise to all those who have made adjustments in their work, social and family life; creativity has truly abounded!

Holidays this year can’t and won’t look like they have done before, but still, we all need a break. It’s tempting not to bother, it’s tempting to hang on until things settle down, but if summer is when you normally holiday, it’s important to make time now. 

Planning a holiday in the midst of a global pandemic feels like a lot of effort and maybe too much effort, but we all need a break. Holidays give our bodies and minds a chance to reset and allow us to come back to our everyday with renewed focus and energy. It’s almost like pressing restart on our computers; allowing any updates to install and reconfigure themselves.

So we’ve produced some resources to help you to holiday. You might holiday at home, you might holiday away somewhere. Our resources will help you to holiday wherever. Our hope is that by using the resources, you feel a renewed sense of energy when you ‘return’. Let us know how you get on using our resources by using the hashtag: #weallneedabreak