A Practical Tool for gauging your team's wellbeing: the Wellbeing Audit

Many of you will have either been in or listening to conversations about this 3rd lockdown and how hard people are finding it. It’s cold. There are dark nights. Things feel harder third time around. If you’re running a team or organisation this is a tricky time and making sure you know how everyone is doing feels important.

During the pandemic, we have been working with a number of organisations to deliver our Wellbeing Audit. In this time of uncertainty, the audit provides an opportunity for your organisation to take the pulse of people’s wellbeing. It enables us to help you find out what is happening right now across your team and to support and plan for how we support our teams over the next six months in what is likely to be an unpredictable landscape.

Think about the issues at hand:

  • Mental health challenges like depression and anxiety have increased by roughly 25% during the past 12 months (MIND, Mental health foundation.)

  • We’ve lost those relational check-ins that we had when we all worked in the same office.

  • Lines between home, rest and work can become blurred.

  • Many are juggling feelings of loss, fear and isolation alongside working lives which may be stressful or challenging.

This is your team. Your colleagues who help make your organisation what it is. Finding out how they’re doing, supporting them and enabling them to thrive is crucial for the success of what you do. We know each of you knows this from our conversations with you, but how do we get a clear idea of what might be going on? This is where we think the audit is a crucial tool.

How it works

The Wellbeing Audit is an anonymous online survey-based diagnostic tool for organisational wellbeing. We use a questionnaire which is sent to each employee and takes between 5 and 10 minutes to complete. We then provide a written report of findings within 7 days of the completion of the survey.

The audit includes questions which cover three areas:

  • Personal wellbeing through the nationally recognised Warwick Wellbeing Scale.

  • Psychological safety and workplace culture questions.

  • A creative exercise using images to allow people to speak imaginatively about their wellbeing.

The Wellbeing Audit, as part of a package of wellbeing support for your business, can be booked today for £250. This is a fixed price for an organisation with 100 staff or less. For larger organisations, email us at info@spacetobreatheuk.com for a bespoke price.

The audit is a wonderful way to take the pulse of wellbeing where you work. Once it’s completed and our report is issued, it may open the door for a more targeted and informed wellbeing support for staff at this tricky time.

  • Making space for 1:1 support for staff.

  • Creating the climate for focused training around issues.

  • Informing a discussion on workplace wellbeing.

We can tell you more about the audit and these services today. Book an audit for your organisation or contact us to find out more.

Remote working wellbeing services for the Pandemic

The Wellbeing Audit is one of three key services we are offering businesses and organisations during the pandemic.

Wellbeing Audit is available at £250 for a company of up to 100 employees. If your staff numbers exceed that, please contact us directly for a quote.

The Self Care Pack is a set of 15 proven Wellbeing Resources which we make available for you to use internally throughout your organisation (all staff, training, internal comms) etc and you have the rights to use the resources for an unlimited time. That means they can part of induction for new staff, can be made available to volunteers etc. It is perfect for supporting dispersed teams as we all work at home. This pack is available for £200.

Wellbeing Check-Ins are 30 minute supportive 1:1 sessions aimed at using Mental Health First Aid skills to listen to someone who needs support and signpost them to resources, agencies and opportunities to gain help and recover. They are currently being made available for free during the pandemic. To book one click on the link below.