Nine ways to stay well...

These have been challenging days. Whilst everyone tries to work out the long term impact of Omicron we are all having to deal with uncertain news, with last minute changes and with new patterns of living and working. I wonder how you’re finding it?

Here at Space to Breathe we’re experiencing growing numbers of people asking for ways to manage these times and simple ways to support their wellbeing.

To help, our Education Lead - Ben Harper - has created this brilliant PDF “Nine Ways to Stay Well in Uncertain Times.” The PDF uses our Wellbeing Triangle to identify ways to support your understanding of self, build healthy connections with others and enhance your sense of ‘other’ in our daily lives. Ben then gives practical ideas and signposts support for others.

You can download the PDF below.

If you’re struggling at this time and are concerned about your health we recommend you chat to someone and get support. Your GP is a good place to start or maybe a talk with a supportive friend or colleague. If you’d like to talk to someone to get the ball rolling we are here to help too and can offer a free Wellbeing Check-In. Just follow the link to book one.

Lastly, if you’d like to consider ways of managing these times take a look at our article Managing these Uncertain Times which we created before Christmas.

Do remember that despite the struggles we may be facing, you have got this far and already managed to overcome other times like this. The poet Rumi once wrote “we carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us." You are far more resilient than you’d think and often we carry within us many of the things we need to manage times like this.