Resilience and Wellbeing

Keeping Connected during a time of Disconnection

Keeping Connected during a time of Disconnection

This week has seen some schools return to increased restrictions in response to concerns about the Omicron variant. For some this means a return to bubbles, and means less opportunities for mixing of both staff and pupils. Our Education Lead, Ben Harper has put together some ideas and practices which may help your staff team’s sense of connection in this time.

Sleep and Wellbeing - taking a look

Sleep and Wellbeing - taking a look

How do sleep and wellbeing connect and how can we take an honest look at one of the most important things our body does?

Resilience and Wellbeing : Grateful Windows - A Simple Gratitude Practice

If you are someone who likes to be active, Grateful Windows might be a gratitude practice that works for you. It is a simple practice from our founder Andy, that you can do if you are inside somewhere [although if you’re in an office block that is all windows it might take some time!]

Grateful Windows

Wander round your house [or the building you are in] and stand at each window in turn.

As you look out, think of someone you are thankful for or grateful to.

Repeat this until you’ve looked out of every window.

Grateful Windows and Others

You can take this gratitude practice a step further and text each of the people that you have thought of to say thank you.

Grateful Windows and You

After a few days of practising this ask yourself ‘How is this changing the way that I see the world?’

If you’d like to give the other gratitude practices we shared a go, you can find them under Practising the 3 P’s and Top 3 Things.

Resilience and Wellbeing : The 3 Ps of Gratitude - A Simple Gratitude Practice

Resilience and Wellbeing : The 3 Ps of Gratitude - A Simple Gratitude Practice

There is no ‘one way’ to practice daily gratitude; for some of you it will look like writing 3 things you’re thankful for each day, for others it could be filling a gratitude jar. Today we share the first of three simple gratitude practices from Dr Rangan Chatterjee’s brilliant book, The Stress Solution.

Resilience and Wellbeing : Why You Should Be Practising Gratitude to Enhance your Wellbeing

Resilience and Wellbeing : Why You Should Be Practising Gratitude to Enhance your Wellbeing

Practicing gratitude is a simple wellbeing practice that can have a big impact on your mental and physical health. In the introductory blog of our week about how practicing gratitude can help foster resilience, you will learn about the benefits of practicing gratitude and discover some creative inspiration for how to begin.

Resilience and Wellbeing : How to Break the Cycle of Emotional Eating

Resilience and Wellbeing : How to Break the Cycle of Emotional Eating

We all have days where we comfort eat for one reason or another. When going in the food cupboard becomes our response to our emotions is when emotional eating forms an unhealthy cycle which doesn’t allow us to deal with the emotion. In this blog, you will learn how to break the cycle by staying with the emotions and teaching your body new behaviours.