Winter and Wonder : Self-Care in Season

I don’t know about you but my experience of winter, especially in the run up to Christmas can be one of busyness, never ending to do lists and a sense of always being behind. When I look at my diary today there are only one or two nights in the whole month of December where I don’t have something booked in or someone to see. There are presents to be brought, Christmas events to attend and in the midst of it there is caring for two poorly children, signing up for nursery, washing, packing, days at work, people to phone, insurance to sort out.

Christmas is my absolute favourite time of year but I can still find it all a bit overwhelming.

I think Andy described it well when he put together our Winter and Wonder resource:

Christmas can be a period of light or darkness, one of relaxation or stress or one of hope or worry. It can depend. Sometimes what happens makes us joyful or concerned. Sometimes we reflect on things past - those with us or those not. Sometimes all the trappings of Christmas can make us feel happy or can completely isolate us. 

This year at Space to Breathe, we as a team have decided to make some space to engage in our own wellbeing by using Winter and Wonder to guide us through December. Instead of being swept along by the rush we want to give our minds, bodies and souls some space to breathe. We’ll be sharing our experiences with you as we go; from Andy you’ll hear about how Winter and Wonder helps him to commit to his wellbeing in a work based context. Ben will focus on how Winter and Wonder can help school staff to look after themselves at the end of long and full term. And I’ll be sharing how it helps me, your average Joe – or Jo! – as I muddle through the regular grind of life. 

As well as using Twitter to document our experience, we’ll be sharing our stories via Instagram, Facebook and on our website. If you’d like to join us and spend some time making space for you in the midst of this season, you can find our Winter and Wonder self-care resource on our website at a special Christmas sale price of £3.50. Follow our social media to share your experiences and if you want to join in, make sure you tag us and use the hashtag #winterandwonder