Emotional Wellbeing

Being Still : An Important Wellbeing Practice

Being Still : An Important Wellbeing Practice

Being still isn’t something we practice much in a society of busyness. Yet being still can be really valuable for our emotional and physical wellbeing. Today Jo shares how it has impacted her ability to flourish.

Resilience and Wellbeing : How to Break the Cycle of Emotional Eating

Resilience and Wellbeing : How to Break the Cycle of Emotional Eating

We all have days where we comfort eat for one reason or another. When going in the food cupboard becomes our response to our emotions is when emotional eating forms an unhealthy cycle which doesn’t allow us to deal with the emotion. In this blog, you will learn how to break the cycle by staying with the emotions and teaching your body new behaviours.

Resilience and Wellbeing : Exercise and Finding Your Sweet Spot

Resilience and Wellbeing : Exercise and Finding Your Sweet Spot

Exercise is a fundamental competency of resilience. Yet over-exercising can drive your body into stress state that leads to increased stress and a rise in inflammation. So how do you exercise well? In today’s blog you will learn why exercise is important for fostering resilience and how listening to your body can help you to exercise well.