
Sleep and Wellbeing - taking a look

Sleep and Wellbeing - taking a look

How do sleep and wellbeing connect and how can we take an honest look at one of the most important things our body does?

Resilience and Wellbeing : The 3 Ps of Gratitude - A Simple Gratitude Practice

Resilience and Wellbeing : The 3 Ps of Gratitude - A Simple Gratitude Practice

There is no ‘one way’ to practice daily gratitude; for some of you it will look like writing 3 things you’re thankful for each day, for others it could be filling a gratitude jar. Today we share the first of three simple gratitude practices from Dr Rangan Chatterjee’s brilliant book, The Stress Solution.

Resilience and Wellbeing : Why You Should Be Practising Gratitude to Enhance your Wellbeing

Resilience and Wellbeing : Why You Should Be Practising Gratitude to Enhance your Wellbeing

Practicing gratitude is a simple wellbeing practice that can have a big impact on your mental and physical health. In the introductory blog of our week about how practicing gratitude can help foster resilience, you will learn about the benefits of practicing gratitude and discover some creative inspiration for how to begin.

Resilience and Wellbeing : Wellbeing and the Gut-Brain Connection

Resilience and Wellbeing : Wellbeing and the Gut-Brain Connection

Good food = good mood is one of those memes that pops up in lots of places. And as we browse the images attached to this our mouth can start to water. Why? Because of something called the gut-brain connection. In today’s blog we explore the powerful impact of the gut-brain connection on our anxiety and stress levels and think about why what we put in our bodies can have a direct impact on our mood.

Wellbeing and Resilience : The Importance of Saying No

Wellbeing and Resilience : The Importance of Saying No

When you have to say no to someone or something, how do you find it? There are lots of different reasons saying no can be hard yet it is important that we learn to so that we are able us to say yes to what really matters. Why?

Resilience and Wellbeing : Exercise and Finding Your Sweet Spot

Resilience and Wellbeing : Exercise and Finding Your Sweet Spot

Exercise is a fundamental competency of resilience. Yet over-exercising can drive your body into stress state that leads to increased stress and a rise in inflammation. So how do you exercise well? In today’s blog you will learn why exercise is important for fostering resilience and how listening to your body can help you to exercise well.

Resilience and Wellbeing : Sleep

Resilience and Wellbeing : Sleep

In the first of our series of resilience building practices, we think about how good sleep can help our wellbeing and give you a simple sleep audit that you can complete to help you understand your sleep habits.