How to build resilience now
These are far from normal times…
What we need in order to be ‘well’ at the moment, might be different from what we need in other times.
Michael Maddaus is a thoracic surgeon, recovering addict and motivational speaker. He suggests that in order to be resilient people, we need to invest in these eight areas:
Self Compassion
Saying ‘no’
These eight ideas can act like anchors for our wellbeing and resilience. They can hold us when times become challenging.
Take each word in turn and ask these questions:
What does (add the word) look like to me in my life at the moment?
What will it look like in the coming week?
For example - what does exercise look like to me in my life at the moment? What will it look like in the coming week?
Spend some time considering each of the eight areas.
Consider what you might need more of and how you might include that in your coming week.
Don’t try to do it all at once. Start small and build. This will build momentum and motivation.