Growth in the New Year
2021 has arrived.
For many of us this might be with a sigh of relief, but with some uncertainty about this new year too. What is to come?
When we think about personal growth in a New Year we often think about resolutions. This year I’’ll go to the gym more or eat less or drink more sensibly. These sentiments are important statements of intent, but they’re tough to hold too and sometimes we can feel more burdened by resolutions than helped by them - especially if we find our resolve doesn’t hold well.
Sometimes the better way to look at a New Year is with values rather than resolutions.
For example if we’ve considered giving up drink for a while, what’s behind that? Our value might be “I want 2021 to be a healthier year.” From that point, what things can help that value be something we try and live by throughout the year?
Values are a little more forgiving when we have moments of stress or when our resolve isn’t strong. Values tend to last longer as they act like the point of a compass rather than a hurdle to clear. They can point the way.
So at the start of this New Year why not come up with three values you want to live for…
Start each one with “In 2021 I want …" and then complete the sentence. If you’re struggling, think on those resolutions you were considering - what are behind them.
Write out your three values and stick them on the fridge. Then come back to them each month and ask “how am I going to live like this, this month?”
Give it a try and let us know how you get on.
What resolutions was I considering? What values are behind them?
Write out three values …
“In 2021 I want to be …”
“In 2021 I want to be …”
“In 2021 I want to be …”
Read these values each month and ask, how am I going to live like this, this month?”
Why not share your values on social media? Include us (@space2breathe on twitter or @spacetobreathecic on Instagram) and we can cheer you on.
Here’s to a better, healthier and happier 2021.