Finding Hope
How do we find hope when we feel hopeless?
Hopelessness is often characterised by a feeling of being stuck; not having options, choice or chance to change something. It has its own kind of ‘fuel’, feeding itself on negative feelings we have about ourselves, on gloom and overwhelming sorrow.
Hopelessness is understandable and real. We all feel it. It is even acceptable as a response to too much happening that feels beyond our control. But hopelessness doesn’t serve us well - it doesn’t change things and doesn’t help us - it only serves itself.
So maybe there’s another way?
Trying to hope when life is hard is a task. We need to go out of our way to find hope in these times; like digging for treasure in a mine of mundanity. It takes intention, and effort, but is precious when it’s found.
Below I’ve set out a few of the things which may help on that quest for hope, although finding hope is an art rather than an exact science. We have to discover what works for us, and be open to things we haven’t tried before. We might also need to be open to trying things we have tried before, and haven’t previously worked. Different things work in different seasons of life.
Hopelessness causes inertia or passivity, and it’s important not to give in to this. Hope begins when we just do something, anything.
Consider what combination on the following might work for you:
Remember …
There are many reasons to lose hope, but many benefits from finding it.
“But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.