This month we’re thinking about ways to recharge our batteries. We all have those days and times where we feel drained, tired or empty - how do we recharge to ensure our wellbeing is maintained and so that we can feel energised again?
We have often used this simple image of a snow globe to think about how we respond when life shakes us up due to stresses, troubles or pressures.
“We need time to reset when life shakes us up. We need to give time for the glitter to settle”
In tough or stressful times, we are always tempted to try and sort things out whilst troubles are going on. But what the snow globe shows us is that we need time to rest when life shakes us up. We need to give time for the glitter to settle.
This practice of giving time is often called ‘grounding’ and is a great way for us to recharge our batteries. Why not try this simple practice when life gets stressful.
First of all, take a moment to rest. This could be a long period of time or a few minutes. However, stopping and resting is always a good start to a recharging process. It helps us to put our feet back off the ground or to get off the treadmill of life.
Try stopping and sitting still for 2 minutes when life gets stressful. Focus on your breathing and find some calm.
Next try and refocus your attention on any positives you can find. We are wired as human beings to notice danger and to see the negative aspects of life. Changing your focus to positive things helps you feel more hopeful, helps you see the future in a positive light and will recharge your batteries.
Try finding three things to be grateful for when you’re feeling worried or stressed.
How do you gain strength? Think back to times when you’ve felt worn out in the past. What gave you renewed energy? What helped you to restore yourself? These things will be important in a process of recharging. Maybe it’s about getting outside. Maybe calling a friend. Maybe enjoying a pastime. This again can be short or long times.
Try doing something that gives you strength when you feel drained. Make time for this regularly in your diary.
Throughout this month, we’re going to be thinking about and sharing ways you can recharge your battery. For starters though, why not try this three stage process - to rest (stop), to refocus (find positives) and to recharge (gain strength.)
Let us know how it goes.