Giving Light

For many, this time of year involves giving and receiving gifts.

If you’re reading this having already done this process, I wonder if you were pleased or disappointed with what you received.

If you’re reading this before this process of gift giving has happened, I wonder what your hopes are?

Giving to others is known to be good for our wellbeing; it apparently releases all sorts of positive hormones that reduce stress, increase pain tolerance and even prevents premature aging!

Giving can take many forms; presents, time, physical touch, words of affirmation or acts of service. Different ones will be appreciated by different people and we can be served well by considering which the people in our lives appreciate most.

Some of us will feel we have a lot to give, others of us less. You may feel particularly pressed this year as a direct or indirect result of the Coronavirus pandemic. But we always have something to give, and we as well as the recipient will always benefit from us doing so.

This week, we want to encourage you to give a little extra for the benefit of you and others, and we want to encourage you to do that to two different types of people.

  • Firstly, consider people in your own family or network; who would benefit from you giving a little extra this week? A little extra time, a little extra help, a little extra word of affirmation… Make a plan to do this….

  • Secondly, consider people outside of your own family and network; a charity that serves people differently from yourself. What would it look like to offer time, money or encouragement to them this week? It might be that it’s not possible to do this right away, but can you make a plan for the new year?

Giving light is always good.